Friday, February 28, 2014

My Intense Bosu Workout!!!

Share it Please

Welcome back and thanks for reading!! It's been quite a while since my last post and I apologize for that! This month has gone by so quick!!!

Anyway, I have done several workouts since I last wrote and can honestly say I have done really well!! My last blog post which you can find here talks about how much I struggled getting back into it after my vacation to Jamaica. Since then I have made an effort to get to the gym most days of the week and to control my portion sizes when eating. I have also learned to accept and embrace the weight that I've gained since my trip and am slowly seeing the numbers on the scale decrease. Yeaaaa!!!!

Today I decided to switch things up and do a workout in my home gym with my adorable dog Molly- doesn't she look happy?!!!  

Here is my intense BOSU ball workout!! Enjoy!!

Warm up: I chose to do 10 minutes on my stationary bike 
Circuit (plyo): 
1) 50 high knee jogs on bosu (dome side)
2) 40 split squat lunge jumps with front foot on bosu (dome side) 20x/side
3) 30x/side fast mountain climber jogs with hands on bosu (flipped)
4) 20 double leg jumps on/off bosu (dome side) 
5) 10 bosu burpees (holding onto handles of bosu)
                **Repeat #1-5 2 x each**
Circuit (strength): 
1) 20 deep squats on bosu (flipped)
2) 20 pushups with hands on sides of bosu (flipped)
3) 20 deep lunges with back foot on bosu (dome side) 
                **Repeat #1-3 2x each**

Circuit (core- all on dome side):
1) Medicine ball shoulder press Russian twists- 10 lbs (see video below) 
2) Front plank on bosu to fatigue!
3) 20 crunches plus 20 oblique crunches on bosu
4) Side plank on bosu to fatigue!! 
                **Repeat #1-4 2x each**

Hope you enjoy this workout as much as I did!!! I'm 42 minutes in on my bike while writing this post (and Molly is 62 minutes in--what a workout for her!!)

Now I'm off to clean, go to work, then celebrate the weekend with my boyfriend eating some Chinese food (a once a year occurrence for me!) and hot tubbing with some friends in Woodstock! 

I hope you have a great Friday and weekend!!! Remember to be happy, stay fit, eat healthy, and have FUN!!!!

Until next time.....

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