Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Way I See It

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The month of December brings colder temperatures, long and dark evenings, and Christmas and holiday preparations, which can sometimes lead to crowds, stress-filled days, and symptoms of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Busy shopping malls and this crazy time of year can mean grumpy people and negative attitudes but read on to hear my opinion on how to deal effectively.

The more you read my blog posts and follow my Facebook Fan Page, I hope you will begin to get a feel for my positive attitude and fabulous outlook on life. People who know me well might say I have a charismatic and outgoing personalit, and I figure...why not!?

Life's too short to have it any other way no?

Try thinking, acting, and talking positive as much as possible. Far too often we get consumed in negativity without even realizing it which can lead to negative consequences on your overall health. For example, if you were to state that you "can't handle this situation", you will tend to stop looking for solutions to your problem. Instead, try saying something like "how can I handle this situation?" Doesn't that sounds more hopeful and positive? Don't let your destructive thoughts become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The way I see things is why spend time focusing on the negative in a situation when you have so much else to be thankful for? When you walk into work in the morning and ask how your co-worker is doing, do you want to listen to him or her complain about how crappy their day has been so far? Im sure they would not want to hear it from you either. It is completely normal to get down and have a bad day once and a while but try making an effort to be more positive and happy and realize that you really don't have it that bad. Be thankful for a roof over your head, food in your fridge, and for someone to talk to when your going through rough times.

Try saying and thinking things like "I'm making progress", "I'm willing to try", and "I am in control of this". Try repeating to yourself that you ARE enough, that you DO enough, and that you KNOW enough. And enjoy the good feelings associated with this positivity. Your good attitude and zest for life will be contagious and we will all contribute to making the world and life in general a more enjoyable place to live :)

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