Friday, January 3, 2014

Meal Prep Made Easy

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Exercising in my 'hot yoga' studio
Hello again!!! I'm writing this post while riding my stationary bike at home and walking Molly on the treadmill beside me...thought i'd kill three birds with one stone! Blogging is proving to be a little more time consuming that I had initially figured and as much as I love doing it I also have to save time for my exercise so why not do them together!? And FYI it's currently 32 degrees in my apartment...not sure why my Landlord has it set this high or perhaps it has something to do with the bitterly cold -24 degree weather outside right now!?? Regardless...I had broke a sweat before I even hopped on the bike and I feel some hot yoga coming on very soon :P

Also FYI I did NOT feel like exercising today :( I'm sure many of you can relate that sometimes you just don't have the energy. BUT, I know this is important to me, and realize that there is only one way to get the results I want, and so I conquered the hardest part (getting started) and here I am! If I can do it, you can too.

New Years Eve was great fun and after the excitement of Christmas and New Years I am totally ready to get back on track with my clean eating and intense regular exercise! Jamaica is less than 2 weeks away!!!

I began the process with a trip to Dutchies Fresh Market in Waterloo. There I spent $40 on vegetables and $10 on hormone and antibiotic free boneless/skinless chicken breast ($2.99 per lb!!)

Here is what I bought for under $50!!
- 3 lbs chicken, 2 heads broccoli, celery, parsley, cilantro, 2 bags carrots, 3 avocados, a dozen farm eggs, 2 large bell peppers, spinach, box of leaf lettuce, 2 large navel oranges, snap peas, green beans, large bunch kale, zucchini, large sweet potato, 4 tomatoes!!

Not too shabby!! My fridge is stocked to the max and contains all necessary ingredients for the green smoothies I will be making every day for the next two weeks! (Recipe to follow on a later blog post!)

I spent the evening last night chopping, boiling and peeling eggs, and making crockpot Mexican Chicken Chili (will post the recipe soon!! Turned out amazing!!)

I plan on eating a lot of these in the next two weeks....
Mixed greens salad with peppers, cucumbers, olives, feta cheese and homemade dressing 
 And having one of these every day for breakfast with a yogurt and piece of fruit....
Very handy to have as breakfast on the go or as a quick snack!

I am super pumped to eat all of these veggies, keep working hard in the gym, and continue to feel AWESOME :)

Thanks for stopping by today and be sure to check out my blog regularly! Here is a list of topics I will be posting about over the next few weeks:
- Mexican Chicken Chili recipe
- Training The Trainer: Week 4
- Super yummy chocolate banana protein shake recipe
- GREEN SMOOTHIES!! Looking for more energy? These will surely do the trick!

Have a great day and stay warm out there!!! I am off to IKEA in a few exciting is that!?

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